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5 Underappreciated Games That Need to Make a Return

There have been plenty of amazing videogames over the years that have made their creators boatloads of cash. Sometimes though, great games don't perform well enough to warrant a sequel, or are victims of unfortunate circumstances which see those sequels put on the backburner indefinitely.

Whether they were lost amidst a sea of higher-profile games during a cluttered release window, suffered from a lackluster marketing campaign, simply didn't resonate with the gaming public at the time, or just didn't quite reach the financial targets the publisher had in mind, there have been plenty of thrilling titles over the years that have been left in the past and forgotten about.

Here are five great games that I'd like to see return in some way, whether it be in the form of a remake, a reboot that takes the classic game in a new direction, or a full-fledged sequel.

Fight Night Champion

(EA Sports 2011, Xbox 360/PS3)

Fight Night is the most beloved boxing game series ever and its last entry, Champion, is perhaps the most highly regarded next to the famous 80's hit Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! for the NES.

Fight Night Round 3 brought with it a stellar new gameplay mechanic (along with state-of-the-art visuals for its time) that utilized the right analogue stick to throw punches rather than pressing buttons like any other fighting game - while it takes some getting used to, flicking the stick in a direction to throw different punches and twirling it in different sequences to string punches together feels surprisingly natural and took the fighting simulator to a whole new level.

After a sort-of by-the-numbers fourth installment, Fight Night Champion took the series in a new direction story-wise and delivered one of the greatest fighting games ever made.

With a brand new story mode which saw you play as fictional boxer Andre Bishop, EA pulled out all the stops to deliver a thrilling boxing saga that's like playing through one of your favourite boxing movies such as Rocky or Creed. The production values were off the charts, with a talented cast and memorable characters paired with gorgeous graphics and sound design, a superb physics system, and slick gameplay that is the best we've ever seen in a boxing game.

Head and body movement, footwork, and shot selection were all not only incredibly satisfying to use, but required strategy and skill to put together against tough opponents whether against the AI or against other players online. Timing counters, slipping shots, and avoiding wasting energy were all fundamental aspects of success, just like in a real boxing match.

The game featured plenty of content to go along with the impressive gameplay and incredible story mode.

A comprehensive Create-A-Boxer feature let you create your own boxer (or put boxers EA didn't have the license to in the game, loophole!) to use in the revamped career mode or pit against other players in online matches and tournaments, and the selection of boxers on offer to use online or against the AI in tournaments or free-play was very impressive.

Rather than focusing purely on current fighters, Champions included plenty of legends like Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, George Foreman, Sugar Ray Robinson (and Leonard), Pernell Whittaker, Roberto Duran, and plenty more alongside their contemporary peers like Manny Pacquaio, Barnard Hopkins, Miguel Cotto, and Nonito Donaire. While it was a bit light on current boxers (their managers are often remarkably greedy when it comes to using their likeness in any capacity) the legendary names available more than made up for it, and pitting a prime Mike Tyson against Muhammad Ali for the biggest fantasy fight of all time is a thrill like no other.

Despite the game selling decently well and being a hit with both boxing fans and reviewers alike, Fight Night would become the victim of unfortunate circumstances.

The game's developers at EA Vancouver were gearing up for a sequel when in 2012 EA acquired the license to publish UFC titles from the failing publisher THQ (which actually made amazing UFC games that sold very well, but thanks to mismanagement and other games in their portfolio failing, the publisher imploded).

EA tasked the Fight Night team at EA Vancouver to get to work on a UFC game, and Fight Night has been on the shelf ever since.

While the news was met with a mix of sadness (thanks to the Fight Night series being put on hold) and excitement for what the Fight Night team could bring to the UFC videogames, it ultimately led to utter disappointment for both MMA and boxing fans.

Three UFC games have come out in the years since, and none have been very good - each has floaty physics, tons of glitches, a terrible ground game, and has failed to come even close to the quality found in THQ's UFC Undisputed series. Not only that, but combat sports gaming fans are doubly screwed - not only are the UFC games mediocre, it's the only option since Fight Night has been thrown on the backburner and no other boxing games have been released since.

Fight Night Champion still holds up today as the best boxing game ever made, and thanks to Xbox's backwards-compatability, you can play Champion on an Xbox One with an upgraded resolution and framerate. It still looks good even now, especially with those upgrades, and you can often still find players to play against online even some 9 years later.

EA added a downloadable pack for the latest UFC game which puts some of the characters from Champion's story in UFC 3 as mixed-martial artists and has released a newer edition of the game that includes a copy of Fight Night Champion for Xbox One players. This clearly shows EA is well aware of its popularity amongst gamers, but they have repeatedly stated that they are sticking to their decision to sideline the series in favour of the "more popular" UFC series, despite their UFC titles suffering from dwindling sales and enthusiasm.

This also shows a misunderstanding of the market - for combat sports fans, it's rarely one-or-the-other and the overlap of current UFC fans that love the Fight Night games is significant, with both able to co-exist just fine. In fact, the third UFC THQ game enjoyed massive success and was launched just months after Fight Night Champion in early 2012 - there's no reason that both series can't enjoy success and it could even bolster sales thanks to crossover appeal in marketing; throw Conor McGregor in the next Fight Night and Tyson Fury in the next UFC game and watch the sales make themselves.

Although we know the Fight Night team is already deep into development of the next UFC game, it would be better if EA shifted the UFC license to one of their other developers - EA Vancouver hasn't done a great job after three attempts and everyone would be much happier to see them return to their Fight Night franchise, with another developer picking up where they left off with UFC.

Hell, even just taking Champion and adding some modern polish along with a bunch of current boxers in an updated semi-remaster would be enough to satiate the starving boxing game fans for a while - please, EA?


(FASA Studio/Microsoft 2007, Xbox 360/PC)

Shadowrun was originally a tabletop RPG set in a fictional futuristic universe in which cybernetically enhanced humans, magic-casting elves, and hulking trolls amongst other mythological beings co-exist and fight one another in megacorporation-controlled armies. Debuting in 1989, the tabletop classic became a smash hit and is still one of the most popular games of its kind, combining genres such as cyberpunk, fantasy, and even horror and detective elements.

Many novels set in the Shadowrun universe followed and three videogame versions of the popular RPG were created to mixed success in the 90s. In 1999, Microsoft acquired FASA Studio, a developer that had created the popular MechCommander PC games and also worked on MechWarrior 4. The newly acquired first-party studio crafted MechAssault and its sequel as well as the cult classic Crimson Skies for the original Xbox.

Later, Microsoft acquired the digital rights to Shadowrun and tasked FASA Studio with creating a first-person shooter set in the Shadowrun universe. Not only that, but the game would also be the first to implement cross-platform play, as the multiplayer-focused title was set to launch for both the Xbox 360 and Windows Vista. Microsoft envisioned players to be able to play together seamlessly regardless of whether they were playing on a gamepad or with a mouse and keyboard.

The ambitious project took the creative Shadowrun universe and crafted it into a solid team-oriented FPS with plenty of powers and abilities for players to use, as well as being able to play as either a human, a dwarf, an elf, or a troll.

Each race had their own unique abilities and perks, including powers to heal allies, teleport, and even summon creatures to fight for you. As you earned points and kills during a match, you could use acquired currency to purchase gadgets and new weapons a la Counter-Strike, creating a sense of progression in every match.

The game was quite fun to play but it did suffer from some pretty big issues that led to its dismal sales.

First and foremost, Shadowrun is the perfect example of a developer biting off more than it could chew. The Windows Vista-Xbox 360 crossplay worked well enough and was a cool feature, but ultimately it was something that took up a ton of development time that could have been better spent elsewhere.

Playing against people on another platform is cool and all, but ultimately it didn't really change the experience or add much unless you happened to have a buddy you wanted to play with who was on Vista (which failed to gain traction as a hub for gaming) and didn't have an Xbox or vice-versa. In reality it was hardly even used, as only around 12,000 copies were ever sold for Windows Vista.

The biggest loss was that the developers ended up canning the single-player campaign entirely to focus on the multiplayer offering, which would have been fine had they not delivered such sparse content. Compared to other games even at the time, Shadowrun had no more multiplayer content (and even less in many cases) than other releases that also featured full campaigns.

The lack of a campaign also hurt its license appeal - fans of the Shadowrun RPG would have likely rather played through a campaign that dove into the story that they loved, rather than play a multiplayer shooter that happened to have characters and abilities from said story.

Ultimately it fared extremely poorly in the sales department and just months after release FASA Studio was shuttered and Microsoft licensed out the Shadowrun brand to another publisher. It's unfortunate because it was a blast to play when it still had people on its servers (the bots you could play against were pretty lackluster) and as someone who isn't a tabletop/board game player the shooter's unique universe was intriguing and one that I otherwise wouldn't (and haven't since) gotten to explore.

Since the failed shooter, several turn-based Shadowrun RPG games were released and enjoyed some success, with the last entry coming in 2015. Personally I'd love to see another developer take a crack at turning Shadowrun into a legitimate FPS franchise as it has a ton of potential.

The story and universe is there - taking a similar approach to combat as FASA Studio did would still work well, but adding a fully-featured campaign would be vital. The vibrant world and unique setting wasn't a major selling point back in 2007 as shooters were mainly focused on bringing more realism and gritty combat to the table, but now with much more colourful shooters like Overwatch and Fortnite being all the rage, it would fit right in and likely be well-received.

Its use of powers and abilities would also fit right in with the hero-shooters of today, and with so much lore given the license's past, it would have tons of storylines to draw from and offer something unique compared to the rather sparse stories that currently connect most hero-shooters at the moment.

Given the financial failure that 2007's Shadowrun was, it's unlikely we'll see another shooter set in the Shadowrun universe any time soon, but I for one would love to see the brand handled the way it should be and have its potential fully realized.

Star Wars: Republic Commando

(LucasArts 2005, Xbox/PC)

LucasArts' extensive back catalog of games have been criminally ignored by Disney since the House of Mouse purchased the massive Star Wars empire in 2012. With EA being given the exclusive license to develop Star Wars titles, we've seen the galaxy far far away's gaming potential largely wasted.

I talked about this at length just recently, but in summary - EA has released two solid but flawed Battlefront games that failed to live up to the original Battlefront's prestige, though more recently they righted the ship with the superb Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order late last year. Dozens of beloved classics however have been left to collect dust when EA and Disney could be making relatively quick and easy cash by remastering the Star Wars games of old.

There are plenty of Star Wars titles that would greatly benefit from a proper remaster or a reboot for modern audiences, but for the sake of not turning this entire list into another Star Wars article, I'll limit myself to choosing just one game to highlight.

Republic Commando was a first-person shooter that saw players take command of an elite clone trooper unit as the simply nicknamed "Boss". It showed gamers a side of the clones that hadn't been seen in the movies, including their surprisingly unique personalities and extremely deadly effectiveness.

Trained to be an elite squad of special forces operators from birth, Boss, Scorch (a demolition expert), Fixer (the hacker), and Sev (a sniper) are dispatched on a variety of missions in iconic Star Wars locations including Kashyyyk and Geonosis and the interior of a Republic Assault Ship.

Rather than coming equipped with basic clone trooper gear, the commandos not only sport unique and personalized armour, but a specialized (and awesome) DC-17 blaster which serves as a plasma assault rifle that can also be reconfigured into a sniper rifle and a grenade launcher by equipping different attachments. You can also of course pick up and use a variety of weapons dropped by enemies to change things up, and there are plenty of throwable gadgets to utilize as well.

The Unreal Engine 2 game looked stunning (at the time) and featured a futuristic sci-fi HUD (complete with the Mandalorian and clone trooper's iconic T-shaped visor visible on the screen) that would highlight targets and objects when you aimed at them.

It also featured a slick squad order system mapped to the D-pad that you could use to command your AI squad, such as telling them to hold a certain position, selecting a target to focus fire on, or telling a teammate to slice a console while you provide cover. In many ways it and similar command systems in squad-based games with AI teammates were the precursor to Apex Legends' highly useful Ping system.

The great-feeling shooting and wide array of weaponry at your disposal made the game a blast to play, and although the multiplayer portion was a bit by-the-numbers, it was still tons of fun for fans of the game and Star Wars in general.

Republic Commando was well received by critics and gamers alike and sold well - a sequel to the popular title that would follow the squad after Order 66 and was titled Imperial Commando was greenlit, but unfortunately LucasArts underwent major restructuring in the mid-2000s following some less-than-stellar releases and mismanagement. Much of the team that worked on the original game had either left the company or were working on other releases as a result, with Imperial Commando and several other projects ultimately being scrapped.

Gamers for years clamoured for work on the sequel to be restarted, but eventually hope was lost after LucasArts was shuttered following Disney's acquisition of the legendary game developer.

EA hasn't been entirely opposed to rebooting popular Star Wars games of the past however, as it has already rebooted the Battlefront series (whose original third installment was amongst those cancelled by LucasArts in the afforementioned restructuring despite being deep into production) so it's not outside of the realm of possibility, though we've yet to hear it hinted at or brought up at all by anyone at EA.

A series of novels by Karen Traviss followed the squad including the events of the game as well as essentially the story that a sequel would have followed, so there's plenty of material to draw from if a sequel were to be made or the originalgame rebooted.

I for one would love to see a remastered version of the 2005 classic with modern graphics and polish, as well as multiplayer matchmaking that meets our current standards. If it sold well, then delivering the sequel fans have wanted for so long would be a no-brainer.

Better yet, a complete remake would be a godsend - Respawn in particular would be a perfect fit for the series. Their smooth shooting mechanics would translate perfectly to the classic title, and with their work on Fallen Order it's clear they can handle the IP with care and deliver what the fans want.

Adding four-player co-op to the campaign would be a blast, and the original's squad controls could be streamlined into a system similar to Apex Legend's Ping feature for both co-op and multiplayer modes.

The prequels may not be revered by fans like the original trilogy, but the story of the clones (especially in the expanded universe) is a surprisingly deep one and has a ton of interest from the Star Wars community. It was popular then and no doubt would see success if a remake or remaster was handled well, so fingers crossed EA will someday pull from this classic title in the future.

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

(Epic Games/Midway Games 2005, Xbox)

Epic Games is best known nowadays as the creator of Fortnite, but long-time gamers know it for their groundbreaking third-person cover shooter Gears of War and a plethora of classic hardcore first-person shooters set in the Unreal universe.

Envisioning a versatile and highly customizable engine, Epic Games sought to compete with id's idTech engine back in the late 90's (the engine that ran games like Doom and Quake) that allowed PC gamers to extensively mod gameplay and create their own levels and content, adding longevity and dedicated fanbases for their games.

The Unreal Engine was born and with it Epic released the simply titled Unreal which was essentially a shooter made to showcase their beautiful new engine. With vibrant alien worlds, fast-paced and gory gunplay, and a revolutionary dodge mechanic, the game was a hit and just a year later Unreal Tournament was released in 1999.

Unreal Tournament is a classic hardcore FPS that emphasized speed and skill as any classic arena shooter should. In the same universe as the Unreal game, Unreal Tournament placed a variety of characters into arenas to duke it out in deathmatches and objective game modes for multiplayer supremacy.

It quickly became a smash hit and later Unreal Tournament 2003 would become the latest flashy shooter to show off the Unreal Engine, this time in its brand new second iteration. The graphical powerhouse impressed gamers and its silky smooth shooting and excellent maps and creation tools kept fans coming back for more.

Epic Games would license out its impressive engine to other developers, gaining more and more of the game engine market thanks to its impressive flexibility and easily customized tools, combined with surprisingly generous licensing agreements. By the release of the Unreal Engine 3 (which sported one of the greatest games ever made, Gears of War, as it's stunning introduction to the world) in 2006, the Unreal Engine was being used by dozens of developers to create all sorts of games, from America's Army to Star Wars Republic Commando and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell & Ghost Recon titles.

Currently the Unreal Engine is on its fourth iteration (though of course it's frequently updated) and now has a pretty incredible licensing agreement, allowing anyone to download and use the entire engine for free with just a 5% royalty ask if a game using the engine is published. Literally hundreds of games use the remarkably versatile and impressive engine, from small indie studios to AAA developers, and there's a good chance many of your favourite games were built using the Unreal Engine.

Back to the games themselves though - a sequel to the story-oriented Unreal was released next, as well as an Xbox exclusive title called Unreal Championship - it was essentially a console version of Unreal Tournament 2003 and was developed specifically to take advantage of Microsoft's new Xbox Live multiplayer service, as up until that point console gamers could only play multiplayer matches via splitscreen or in local area networks.

It was a smash hit that sold over a million copies and a sequel was quickly greenlit, this time not being a port of the Unreal Tournament series, but instead a title built from the ground up for the Xbox console.

Epic flexed their impressive engine's muscle with a variety of upgrades that vastly improved the graphical performance capabilities possible on the Xbox console, utilizing various memory enhancements that allowed the title to outperform most high-end PC games at the time despite being run on a much slower CPU.

As a result, Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict looked astounding and was easily one of the best looking games ever released on the original Xbox.

Not only that, but rather than being the traditional FPS shooter that its series brethren embodied, UC2 added third-person melee combat into the fold - as its marketing pushed, Epic brought a knife to a gun fight, and it was awesome.

While some of the hardcore Unreal fans were put off by the fact it was no longer a pure first-person shooter, Epic really outdid itself with its implementation of melee combat, combining the best of both worlds. Players were locked into a third-person view when their melee weapon (which is unique to each of the game's 14 characters) was equipped, but when a gun is drawn, players can either stay in the third-person view or instantly switch to the more familiar first-person perspective.

The gunplay with the series vicious weaponry was as slick and satisfying as ever, but it was now accompanied by devastating melee attacks and the series' trademark gore was upped to the next level, with the game (which was also published by Midway Games, owner of the Mortal Kombat series at the time) even sporting brutal fatalities they dubbed Coup de Graces. The two distinct playstyles were surprisingly well-balanced and players could effortlessly switch from shooting a rocket launcher at a far away enemy's face to pulling out a sword and cleaving a nearby target in half.

Other changes from the traditional Unreal Tournament releases included the implementation of character classes, with each character being named as a light, medium, or heavy type character with the amount of health, melee damage they inflict, and their speed and agility varying based on their type. It also introducted Adrenaline, which would slowly be earned during play and hastened by earning kills and killing sprees or by picking up Adrenaline canisters, which could then be used to activate limited-time powers and enhancements.

Epic also added a clever lock-on mechanic that served to keep enemies on screen during frantic firefights - it didn't aim for you, but it did keep your screen aimed in the right direction and focused on your enemy even as chaos broke out all around you in the frantically paced deathmatches Unreal games are known for.

The game didn't live up to its predecessors in sales, but those that did play the game know how good it was and it has enjoyed a cult-classic status in the years since. It was added to the Xbox backward-compatability program and can be played on either an Xbox 360 or enhanced via the Xbox One, though of course online servers are long gone. Bot matches are still tons of fun however, and the game featured a whopping 50 maps (including many updated versions of series classics) to compete on.

It's a shame the stellar game didn't get the attention it deserved and never received a sequel despite plenty of fans begging for one over the years.

Unreal Tournament 3 (which was actually the fourth game in the series, but they decided to call it 3 to coincide with the use of Unreal Engine 3) was released in 2007 for the 360, PS3, and PC and was another great entry in the flagship Unreal series, and sold over a million copies.

Unfortunately since then the Unreal universe has mostly sat on the shelf. A crowd-developed Unreal Tournament that Epic was creating alongside fans as an open-source project ultimately got shelved and never saw a proper release, with progress slow over the years and ultimately Epic stopped releasing updates in 2017 with the game still in a pre-alpha phase. That's the last time the Unreal franchise has been heard of, and the once wildly popular series hasn't seen a new game since 2007.

In recent years Epic has continued to focus development on their wildly successful Unreal Engine as well as the massive success that is Fortnite, not to mention the launch of the Epic Games Store as a competitor to Steam's PC dominance. It's clear their priorities are elsewhere and it's unlikely we'll see another Unreal Tournament, or even more disheartening, Unreal Championship game anytime soon.

I for one would love to see Unreal Championship 2 remade in the latest Unreal engine, or a sequel to it sporting the game's stellar mixture of gory ranged and melee combat that hasn't even come close to being replicated since. A proper new Unreal Tournament would also be more than welcome - perhaps Epic will surprise us all by debuting a new Unreal game to show off the inevitable Unreal Engine 5 for the upcoming consoles? Please?

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks

(Midway Games 2005, Xbox/PS2)

Regardless of how much you know about videogames, you've surely heard of the Mortal Kombat franchise; the popular fighting game that garnered all sorts of negative publicity for its graphic violence that was ridiculed by the media and parents everywhere in the 90's, but looks downright comical in hindsight thanks to the graphical shortcomings of its era.

After the soaring success of the arcade classics before the turn of the century (which even garnered a horrifically cringey series of films), the series would struggle on consoles in the early-to-mid 2000's, much like its publisher Midway Games. Two attempts at a spin-off action-adventure game were made for the original Playstation, and both were terrible to say the least.

As is often the case, the third time was the charm and Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks finally got it right upon its release in 2005.

Shaolin Monks followed MK staples Liu Kang and Kung Lao through the events of Mortal Kombat II, allowing players to play as either of the two monks in a fully 3D action adventure title. Mortal Kombat's brutal fighting system was translated extremely well into a multi-directional space here, allowing you to chain combos across different enemies and continue your assault in mid-air after launching a foe off their feet.

A variety of the character's special moves were also carried over and combos could be upgraded by earning experience points. Vicious environmental kills were also a highlight, letting you incapacitate your foes in a plethora of gruesome ways such as throwing an enemy into spinning blade traps or dropping them into spike-filled pits.

Of course the best combat feature was the game's implementation of the series trademark Fatalities, which were recreated in a 3D space and enhanced with the ability to perform Multalities: Fatalities on multiple enemies at once. Rather than requiring annoying button sequences, to perform, a meter was filled through combat that when full allowed you to execute the finishing moves on your poor victims.

The incredibly satisfying combat was combined with a fun adventure through the MK universe and its creative settings, each area filled with secrets to uncover and hidden paths to explore. As with traditional fighting games, Shaolin Monks also featured unlockable characters (in franchise icons Scorpion and Sub-Zero) to play as and plenty of other characters from the series returned as allies or served as bosses to eliminate on your journey.

The game also included co-op play which added a cool extra layer of discovery as certain hidden areas were only discoverable when two human players worked together to unlock them, and the game was a blast to play through with a buddy. In addition to single-player and co-op, there was a versus mode that put two characters against one another in one of the arenas featured in the campaign, which was set apart from most fighting games given it's fully 3D space and movement.

Unlike the previous attempts to translate the Mortal Kombat universe into the action/adventure genre, Shaolin Monks was both critically and commercially successful and became a surprise hit. The game went on to sell over a million copies and is now regarded fondly by gamers as a classic, but ultimately it was the last we'd see of Mortal Kombat outside of traditional side-on fighting games.

A sequel titled Mortal Kombat: Fire & Ice was planned to be developed by Paradox Interactive (which Midway owned) and would focus on Scorpion and Sub-Zero rather than Liu Kang and Kung Lao, but the project was scrapped due to budget constraints. Similarly, Midway's LA studio which had worked on Shaolin Monks was then in talks to develop a sequel, only for those plans to be sacked after the struggling Midway Games shuttered the LA location entirely in 2008.

Thanks to Midway Games' struggles we never got to see a sequel, but that doesn't mean the classic game has been forgotten about. A legion of fans have continued to hold out hope that the Shaolin Monks would come back to life, though it looks like those fans are going to be left waiting forever.

Ed Boon, co-creator of the franchise and now head of NetherRealm Studios, the developer that has been the home of Mortal Kombat and their similar but less-gory fighting series featuring DC comics characters Injustice, has teased a sequel in the past. In 2013 he stated he would love to remake the classic action game, and also stated there was talk of doing an HD version of Shaolin Monks back on the PS3 and Xbox 360 years ago, but ultimately nothing has come to fruition.

With NetherRealm Studios churning out successful fighting games between their Mortal Kombat and Injustice franchises, it's likely WB Interactive will play it safe and keep the developers focused on what's a proven success.

It's truly unfortunate as Shaolin Monks was an amazing game and there's so much potential to expand upon it that not returning to the title seems like a major missed opportunity. The brutal and gory fighting in Mortal Kombat translates remarkably well to an adventure title when done properly, and we haven't really seen any other games fill that void in the years since.

Warner Brothers. would be smart to capitalize on the revered status of the original by contracting another developer that specializes in recreating classic titles to come in and rebuild Shaolin Monks for a modern audience, keeping true to the original but with a fresh coat of paint and polish. Should the remake see success like other recent hits such as Crash Team Racing: Nitro Refueled and Resident Evil 2, the sequel we've been deprived of for so long would be a no-brainer.

What are some of your favourite classic games that you'd like to see remastered or given sequels? Leave a comment below or drop me a line on Twitter.

Honourable Mentions: Stranglehold (Midway Games 2007), Binary Domain (Sega 2012), Remember Me (Dontnod/Capcom 2013)


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