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Canada Continues to Repeat Their Mistakes: Monday's Election Results

Trudeau remains in power to form a minority government but lost seats and the popular vote thanks to his neglect of the interior

Electoral Map
By VulcanTrekkie45 via WikiPedia Commons

Once again Canada, like many European countries our politics have resembled in recent decades, has failed to change course and instead continues to march forward into disaster.

The results of the 2019 election have cost Liberals 20 seats compared to their 2015 run, and thus their majority government has been reduced to 157 seats, 13 under the 170 required for a majority. Although they lost ground virtually everywhere outside of Ontario compared to 4 years ago, their alienation of western provinces was clearly evident by the blue wall present between Manitoba and BC. While they picked up 3 seats in their stronghold of Ontario, they lost seats in every other province besides PEI, Nova Scotia, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories which all saw no change in the limited number of seats available.

Western Canada saw a major blue wave with BC adding 9 Conservative seats to join the 33 (of 34) and 14 (of 14) blue seats in Alberta and Saskatchewan respectively, with the 34th Alberta seat going to the NDP - the Liberals were completely wiped off the map from the interior of BC all the way to Winnipeg. Alberta had roughly 68% of voters cast their votes for Conservatives - if that isn't a clear indictment of Trudeau's failure in the interior then I don't know what is.

Western citizens (particularly Albertans who have been hardest hit by Trudeau's policies) have voiced their frustrations with the election, once again feeling alienated by the system given their lack of representation in the government and being forced to sit through another Liberal government thanks to Eastern voters. Disgruntled Canadians have taken to social media to voice their support of "Wexit", a play on Brexit (which has still yet to happen and has been completely crippled by the left-wing holdouts) which calls for Western Canada to be separated from the East and split into a separate country. It's similar to the calls for separation that have experienced a recent resurgence in Quebec for their own exit from the rest of Canada, and is a major indicator of just how fractured and divided the country currently is.

Ironically, it was the Liberals who campaigned in 2015 on the promise of electoral reform to help improve Canadian's representation in parliament, yet once the majority Liberals gained power that promise was ignored and the system remained completely unchanged. While every system has its merits and weaknesses, the Canadian system could learn a thing or two from the republic down south - with it, each individual state wields more power and is less susceptible to the problems we're currently experiencing in Canada.

While a minority government can help lessen the impact and mitigate the damages incurred over the next 4 years of Trudeau's policies, even without a coalition it's likely that the NDP will lend their support (which is barely over the 13 seats the Liberals need from other parties to pass anything in the House) for many of the Liberal policies given their history and many overlapping ideals. This only furthers the anger many Canadians feel given that the Conservatives (and the Bloc in Quebec) will essentially hold no power whatsoever in the House despite having had more Canadians voting for them.

The Conservatives of course bear a lot of the blame for the election results given their extremely weak leader and tepid policies. If there was ever a time to trounce the Liberals it was following Trudeau's year of scandal between the SNC-Lavalin affair and his blackface footage, yet even with all that help they managed to bungle it. Scheer was a weak candidate from the start and never helped his cause with his flakey answers and lacking policy, even if it would have been an improvement over Trudeau.

So for the next 4 years, Canadians will continue to face massive deficits, weak business support, incompetence at a major projects level, and more polical correctness sermons from a raging hypocrit. Trudeau has spent more and incurred more debt per capita than any other Prime Minister in this country's history that didn't serve during a recession or major war, and with his own party's budget stating that deficits are expected to rise to the tune of billions of dollars in the next few years, there's no sign of any relief. Trudeau promises to work with Alberta and Saskatchewan to help curb their frustrations, but there's no indication anything will change on that front from what we've seen for the last few years.

If the Conservatives want to inspire trust in Canadians, their first order of business is to remove Scheer and present a better candidate. Canada has continued to move further left as time has passed, and it's time for a true Conservative party to return the country to balance - a party that supports business, tax reform, decreasing government and overregulation, and focuses on issues here at home is just what the doctor ordered. On the environment front which has been deemed as so important by the less critical-thinking citizens, they can easily outdo the Liberals ineffective policies by embracing the cleanest form of power known to man, nuclear energy, though a lot of work would need to be done to educate the masses who still wince at the first mention of "nuclear".

Of course, Canada being Canada, we're unlikely to see this happen and instead, even when Trudeau is eventually ousted as frustrations grow into the next election cycle, he'll just be replaced with a centrist party as we move further and further into the spiral that has devastated European nations like France and Germany. Perhaps people have finally had enough and a populist movement will form over the next few years to fight back against the progressive policies that continue to fail around the world, but until then, we'll just have to continue on our path to implosion.


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